Monday, August 12, 2013

Welcome to Our World

     Midday Monday, July 22nd I was moved to Labor & Delivery.  Up on the previous floor an ultrasound had been performed to verify the position of the babies.  We were so excited to learn that both babies had remained head down.  This meant my OB would allow me to attempt a vaginal birth :)  I had so hoped for this to be possible.  So, down on L&D, things began to move very fast!  Family arrived, an IV was started (after 3 attempts), my OB broke my water, an epidural was placed and Pitocin was started to speed up labor.  This was all accomplished by around 1PM.  The staff was super efficient!  I was feeling pretty good at this time...although eventually my epidural had to be re-dosed.  I quickly progressed all the way to 9cm.  Everything had been looking good up to this point.  They started noticing that Baby A's heart rate kept dipping down into the 80's at the end of my contractions.  Not something they (or I) wanted to see.  This meant there was concern about umbilical cord compression and the baby not getting enough blood flow.  So, my OB came in and informed me that, unfortunately, the safest thing would be to perform an emergency C-section.  This, again, was not what I wanted to hear :(  But, we trusted her decision and ultimately, the most important thing was the safety of the babies.  The order was given to the staff and I was whisked away to the operating room.

 This was taken right before I was taken to the OR. 
You can tell I was feeling pretty good!

     So much of what happened next is still a blur, but I do remember some of the process.  Of course I had been given even more medication for the surgery, so I was going in and out of sleeping.  This was the weirdest thing for me!  I kept thinking, "How do you sleep through this?"  But I could not get myself to stay awake.  So many people would introduce themselves and tell me who they were and what they were doing but I could hardly comprehend any of it.  On top of this, I was so emotional that I was having to have a C-section.  Brad and my CRNA were so great at calming me down and helping me focus.  Without them, I would have been boo-hooing the entire time!  It seemed like forever before I finally got to hear one of my babies crying.  But when that time came, I could hardly contain myself.  I will never forget the excitement and relief that came over me upon hearing Carson (Baby A) cry his first sweet cry upon entering this big world at 7:02PM.  Immediately, tears of happiness came rolling down my face.  (I tear up now as I write this thinking of that moment).  Brad was able to watch the whole process of tending to him and cleaning him up.  Then, one minute later at 7:03PM, Cole (Baby B) made his entrance.  They were able to hold him up over the screen in front of me so I could see him.  Again, the flood gates opened and I could not stop crying. 
     Carson Wade Alsup weighed 5lb. 10oz. and Cole Warner Alsup weighed 5lb. 5oz.  These were great weights for twins born at 35 weeks!  Both boys were healthy, but Carson had some issues with paleness and feet and hands that wanted to remain blue.  He was monitored carefully, though, and was eventually stable enough for me to hold him and his brother on my chest.  This is another moment I know I will never forget.  The complete happiness and peace that came over me as I held my two miracles in my arms with my husband holding around me was unbelievable.  The staff was so nice to take many sweet pictures of this moment for us.  I know it will be one we will cherish the rest of our lives.  Welcome to our world Alsup boys!!

Carson Wade
Cole Warner
My boys!
My family :)

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